How do you get New MEPCO Connection?
Are you searching for information about a new connection? Don’t worry. will guide you on how to apply for that. There are two simple ways 1st. Is to visit the area office and get an application form manually. 2nd go online, fill in all the required details, and so on.
Click here to get the form.
The link will take you to the form page; choose the connection type and distribution company name. You have to fill in all the required fields. Scan the documents before filling them. Follow the steps given below.
Precess for the new connection of electricity meter
Requirements of the form are below step by step.
1st: Document which will require upload.
(A) Ownership proof.
(B) Undertaking of Applicant.
(C) Power of attorney (if there is more than 1 owner)
(D) NOC (no objection certificate) (if the applicant is a tenant)
2nd: Applicant’s attested CNIC copy.
3rd: Witness’s attested CNIC copies. (not required if you are applying a single-phase connection)
4th: Copy of concerned tariff (duly signed by the consumer).
Please submit the form. Don’t forget to get the hard copy of it.
Send the application form with copies of the required documents to the concerned office.
Demand notice will send to you after the verification of your documents.
Visit the designated bank with a received demand notice to pay it.
Submit a copy of paid demand notice to the concerned office.
Your new electricity connection will install once the paid demand notice is verified.
Do you want to check the status of your application, please visit the nearest office or make a phone call to the helpline.
This process will take time according to your connection category.
There are three major categories according to load.
1 {Up to 15 kW} It will take roundabout 20 to 30 days
2 {16 to 70 kW / 400 volts} It will take near about 35 to 45 days
3 { 71 to 500 kW / 400 volts} Its time is 65 to 75 days.
Don’t forget to Register your bill reference on to get a new month’s bill.