how to save electricity at home and offices
Online Mepco Bills Provides you opportunities to learn how to save electricity.
You can save about 50K to 70K PKR per year. It depends on your usage. Try these little and free-of-cost things at your home, office, school, or anywhere else you are using electricity.
Now’s the time for all the electrical components are in advanced technology you can reduce electricity bills by more than 10% by using these tricks.
Save Energy, Save Lives.
Being humans, we must save as much energy as possible because there are limited sources. We must think about our coming generations. If we use energy more than our needs, there will be no sources for electricity in the future so be aware but patiently.
Turn off extra light switches.
One hundred-watt bulb switched off an extra 2 hours daily could save you 2.5k to 3k per year. It will be a better suggestion to change your old bulbs with LED bulbs and save over 3k every year.
The Creator Presents Uncountable Benefits.
One of them is the natural light that we can use from our window; it can illuminate 20 to 100 times its surroundings. If you turn off 1 40 watt bulb for four to five hours daily could be a 2k PKR savings in a year.
Switch off and unplug extra electronics.
You could save 10% of an average household’s annual electricity use. Unplug unused electronics and save 1K PKR a year.